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Professor at EPFL (CH), director and manager of his own office, Jo Taillieu plays many roles yet he is first and foremost an architect. After working with different international architecture firms, Jo Taillieu founded his eponymous office in 2004, which he has been leading since. The practice evolved in 2009 into a collaboration with Jan De Vylder and Inge Vinck, with whom he led the office architecten de vylder vinck taillieu (advvt) for a decade. In 2018, advvt won the Silver Lion for Promising Young Participant at the 16th Biennale of Venice and was one of the five finalists for the Mies van der Rohe Award 2019.
Next to the joint projects at architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, in 2019 the focus shifted back to its initial commitment, jo taillieu architecten (jta).
Knowledge of the practice, from conception to execution, is one of the strengths of the office. The genuine effort to execute a design and its realisation remains the fundamental concern. In this respect, jo taillieu architecten always strives for the ‘logic of construction’.
Matthis Adam
Hugues Noyer
Maaike Snel
Julien Rey
Eglantine Vanden Weghe
Margaux Verbeke
Timon Voide
Noémie Zurbriggen
Esther Schepens
Pieter Dossche
Jérémie Dussault-Lefebvre
Alessandro Bucchi
Ginevra Cairoli
Alberto Johnsson
Natacha Platevoet
Thomas Faes
Fiona Heieck
Raphaël Stäubli
Ana Horvat
Philine Vanrafelghem
Adrea Piazza
Islay Cassels
Lily Blanchard
Hibiki Masaki
Rosa Lueg
Nicholas Ghielmini
Léo Perrin-Livenais
Jason Ladrigan
Arthur Douillet
Ines Branet Berlie
Senne Van Buggenhout
Kaspar Zilian
Loes Decruynaere
Léa Guinguet
Laurens de Munck
Lou Aznavourian
Nils Gilot
Victor Kleyr
Sebastian Schaefer
Simon Bothe
Dries Deleye
Louise de Brabander
2004 – …
jo taillieu architecten
2010 - 2020
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2008 – 2009
partner at Crepain Binst Architecture
2007 – 2008
project collaborator at Project²
2001 – 2007
project manager at Stéphane Beel - Xaveer De Geyter architecten
1997 – 2001
project manager at Stéphane Beel architecten
1995 – 1997
collaborator at Maxwan architecten (NL)
1990 – 1995,
Sint-Lucas, Faculty of Architecture, KUL (Ghent, Belgium)
magna cum laude
Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design (Dundee, UK)
2019 – current, associate professor EPFL ENAC,
Ecole polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne Faculté de l’environnement naturel, architectural et construction, Lausanne (CH)
2022, guest professor - workshop
Porto Academy, summerschool, FAUP Porto
2014 – 2019, guest professor EPFL ENAC,
Ecole polytechnique Féderale de Lausanne Faculté de l’environnement naturel, architectural et construction, Lausanne (CH)
2013 – 2019, Professor design
Sint-Lucas, Faculty of Architecture, KUL, Ghent/Brussels
2015, guest professor – workshop
'the not yet summerschool' KADK, Det Kongelige Danske Kunstakademis Skoler for Arkitektur – design og Konservering (DE)
2013 – 2014, Professor
Mendrisio, Universita dela Svizerra Italiana, academia di architettura (CH)
2012 – 2013, Guest lector, msc1 – STUDIO FOR IMMEDIATE SPACE master interior architecture – studio THE EXERCISE IS:REF* - Sandberg Instituut Amsterdam (NL)
2011 – 2013, Guest lector
TU Delft (NL) Msc 2 - Studio de vylder vinck taillieu
2009 – 2012, Lector design
University Ghent, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
2002 – 2005, Lector design
University Ghent, Faculty of Engineering and Architecture
1999 – 2012, Guest lector
Sint-Lucas, Faculty of Architecture, KUL, Ghent (BE)
2024, Guest critic, Università della Svizzerra italiana, Studio of Architecture and Design Stéphanie Bru, Mendrisio
2024, Guest critic, Master Thesis KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent
2023, Ecole d'architecture de la ville et des territoires Paris-Est, critic diploma studio éléments, structure et architecture, Paris, France
2023, Guest critic, Master Thesis KU Leuven, Faculty of Architecture, Campus Sint-Lucas Ghent
2022, Member of the selection committee for the appointment of a new building-team for the Bozar, Brussels
2022, Distinction Romande d’Architecture, DRA5, Switzerland
2022, Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture, Opportunités, Toulouse, France
2020, Architekturpreis, Berlin
2020, ARC20 Detail Award
2020, Adviescomité Zinneke, Beliris, Brussels
2020, KABK The Hague, critic bachelors, Interior Architecture & Furniture Design, The Netherlands
2019, TU München, Studio Krucker Bates, Munich, Germany
2005 – 2018, Critic masters, Sint-Lucas, Faculty of Architecture, KUL, Ghent/Brussels
2015, Belgian Building awards
2011, Guest critic, LA CAMBRE / HORTA Brussels
2012, (re)nouveaux plaisirs d’architecture #3
Centre International pour la Ville l’Architecture et le Paysage CIVA, Brussels
2011, Provincial award of architecture West-Vlaanderen 2011
2011, AAI Awards 2011, New Irish Architecture, Dublin, Ireland
2010, AAI Awards 2010, New Irish Architecture, Dublin, Ireland
2009 – 2010, Visiting critic, Universita dela Svizerra Italiana, academia di architettura Ba 2, Mendrisio (CH)
Lecture at OFFICE Winhov
Amsterdam - Netherlands, January 2025
Lecture at In-LUST - Hochschule Düsseldorf
Düsseldorf - Germany, November 2024
Lecture at Dropcity - Milan Fair
Milan - Italy, April 2024
Lecture at the Oslo Association of Architects
Oslo - Norway, April 2024
Lecture at Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture Versailles
Versailles - France, March 2024
Lecture at the Department of Architecture & Landscape - Kingston School of Art
London - UK, December 2023
Lecture at DRA5 - Conférence 2023
Sion - Switzerland, October 2023
Lecture at ENAC Research Day 2023
EPFL - Lausanne, September 2023
Lecture at DAAD Days of Architecture and Design
Bratislava - Slovakia, June 2023
Lecture at Biennale Svizzera del Territorio
Mendrisio, October 2022
Lecture at Porto Academy
FAUP Porto, July 2022
Lecture at RWTH Aachen
Aachen - Germany, June 2022
Lecture at Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture de Toulouse
online - Toulouse, January 2022
Lecture at Studio Graf, EPFL
online - Lausanne, May 2021
online - Lausanne, May 2020
Lecture at Opening Expo Mies Van der Rohe Award by Museum M & Stad en Architectuur
Leuven – Belgium, January 2020
Lecture at Lisbon Architecture Triennale
Lisbon – Portugal, November 2019
Lecture at Architecture Day + 2019 = Degrowth
Oslo – Norway, September 2019
Lecture at Toto Gallery MA
Tokyo – Japan, September 2019
Lecture at Studio Krucker Bates
Munich – Germany, February 2019
Lecture at Universität Stuttgart
Stuttgart – Germany, November 2018
Lecture at Days of ORIS
Zagreb – Croatia, October 2017
Lecture at TUM - Fakultät Architektur
Munich – Germany, December 2015
Lecture at ZHAW – Round Table #2
Winterthur – Switzerland, September 2015
Lecture at International university of Catalunya
Barcelona – Spain, May 2015
Lecture at UdK
Berlin – Germany, April 2015
Lecture at EPFL – Round Table #1
Lausanne – Switzerland, March 2015
Lecture at Vitra Campus
Weil – Switzerland, January 2015
Lecture at Heimtextil
Frankfurt am Main – Germany, January 2014
Lecture at Academia di Mendrisio
Mendrisio – Switzerland, October 2013
Lecture at Oslo school of architecture & design
Oslo – Norway, October 2012
Lecture at Istanbul Design Biennial
Istanbul – Turkey, October 2012
Lecture at Architecture-Forum
Biel – Switzerland, March 2012
Lecture at EPFL
Lausanne – Switzerland, March 2012
Lecture at AA school of Architecture
London – UK, Februari 2012
Lecture at Kingston University
London – UK, February 2012
Lecture at Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Copenhagen – Denmark, May 2011
Lecture at Nederlands Architectuur Instituut
Rotterdam – The Netherlands, April 2011
Lecture at Burgauer Architekturtag
Burgau – Germany, April 2011
Lecture at London Metropolitan University
London – UK, February 2010
jo taillieu architecten
2023, English
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2019, Japanese, English
Archives Journal 3
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2018, Spanish, English
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2018, English
3 boek 7 8 9
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2018, English
DIVISARE BOOKS (on the house, on the housing, on the other)
2018, English
A+U 2017:06
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2017, Japanese, English
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2017, English
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu, DOORZON, Filip Dujardin
2016, English
De Aedibus international 13
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2016, German - English
2G N°66
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2013, Spanish - English
The ambition of territory
2012, English
1 boek 3
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2011, English
1 boek 2
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2011, English
1 boek 1
architecten de vylder vinck taillieu
2011, English
When making an unsolicited application, please note that we only consider hard copy portfolios sent by post. Keep it concise, as we’d like to keep all received applications and do not return them. Unfortunately, we are unable to answer everyone personally, but we will contact you if we are interested in inviting you for an interview. Thank you for your understanding.